How to Correctly Install an Evaporator with Spring Lock Fittings

It is critical to make sure that you lubricate the male spring lock fittings with oil prior to connecting the lines, also make sure that the orings are present on the male connection of the lines.  Any type of Pag oil will be sufficient to use on the fittings. Once the oil is applied to the fittings you will be able to push the fittings in without unnecessary force. If oil is not used on the fittings and there is resistance and too much force is used, it is very easy to crack the coils on the evaporator.

TIP:  You can remove the 3rd oring (the one closest to the spring) to help make the connection.


Evaporators with spring lock fittings are used on the following models:

1997-2001 Cherokee

1993-1994 Grand Cherokee

2006-2007 Liberty

1997-2006 TJ

1997-2006 Wrangler

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