How hard is it to install air into a CJ?

The installation on the CJ is a fairly simple install. The system requires the hoses to be crimped with a special hose-crimping tool. The system will also have to be evacuated and charged properly (as per our directions) in order to achieve maximum performance.

The system will not require any special tools. Three holes in the firewall for an a/c only system, and five if you are adding heat and air. Hole saw sizes 3/4" and 1-1/4". The rest of the system installs with metal screws, nuts and bolts, and fittings on the hoses. The wiring of the system is a three-wire setup. An ignition wire for the power source, a ground wire, and a wire to the safety switch then to the compressor. The system does not require any alterations to any existing heating or dashboard components, (unless adding heat and air). The system is pre-oiled, and ready to charge once installed. Please see the instructions link for more details on the installation.
Installation time 7-10 hours.

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